Our Sydney Water Accreditation.
Having over 50 years of collective experience with Sydney Water projects, our team is well versed in delivering all Sewer and Water design functions and services within the Sydney Water operational area.
Design Design Category Description
D-W1 Water Reticulation DN100-375
D-S1 Wastewater Reticulation DN150-300
D-RW Recycled Water DN65-375
D-LP Pressure Sewer Systems
D-W2 Water Supply DN >375-750
D-S2 Wastewater collection DN >375-750
D-W3 Steel Pipelines (DN > 750-1200)

Site Category Site Category Description
S-W1 Water Reticulation DN100-375
S-S1 Wastewater Reticulation DN150-300
S-RW Recycled Water DN65-375
S-LP Pressure Sewer Systems
S-W2 Water Supply DN >375-750
S-S2 Wastewater collection DN >375-750
S-SW Stormwater
S-W3 Steel Pipelines (DN > 750-1200)

Tap in™ Applications
Section 73 Applications
Building Plan Approvals
Low Pressure Sewer Onsite Property Equipment
Water and Sewer Adjustments
Water and Sewer Extensions
Water Reticulation Mains
Sewer Gravity Mains
Pressure Service Rising Mains
Low Pressure Reticulation
Creek Crossings
Concrete Encasements
Main to Meter
Minor Sewer Works

As part of our commitment to providing a high calibre and progressive consultancy service, we choose to operate under a third party-accredited Integrated Management System (IMS). This is important to us in ensuring that we continually challenge ourselves as a business to be forward-thinking and adaptive, adopting new technologies and enhancing processes to better service our clients. We pride ourselves on our environmental and social responsibility, and the IMS helps guide this essential role of stewardship.

Office Hours
Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm
Wollongong Office
Level 1, 497 Princes Highway,
Fairy Meadow, NSW 2519 Australia
(02) 4228 7044
Greater Sydney Office
Suite 4.04, 12 Century Circuit
Norwest, NSW 2153
(02) 8660 0035
Sydney CBD Office
Suite 9.05, 25 Martin Place
Sydney, NSW 2000
(02) 8660 0035