The Bella Rise project commenced in 2015 with master planning which led to the delivery of a development of 180 residential lots, 4 superlots, and an additional 32 abutting dwellings as an integrated development.
Orion was engaged by Goldmate to provide project management, engineering design and construction management services for the project.
The site was a development across several titles that were originally accessed by a State Classified road, Garfield Road East. One of these titles was held by another developer also involved the master planning and final delivery of the development.
The Riverstone Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) did not present a viable road pattern. Additionally, an adjoining land owner confirmed they did not want to develop their land. This meant that a key connection and drainage corridor could not be completed and resulted in the need for an amended ILP and a revised drainage strategy..
The site was traversed by an existing easement for overhead HV lines that were required to be relocated underground and the associated easement extinguished. Also, there was no waste water infrastructure available to the site and lead-in waste water lines were needed to be constructed across private properties.
The master planning of the site was completed by an independent Senior Urban designer with the assistance of Orion and independent traffic planning advice. The amendment to the ILP, along with other boundary interface issues, were required to be addressed through the Land and Environment Court process. The development team were able to successfully settle outside of a final court determination, thereby expediting the DA approval process.
Orion worked with the adjoining developers and consultants to prepare a consolidated drainage plan that considered the proposed catchment variation and ultimately obtained approval from Blacktown Council.
Orion engaged early with RMS during the planning phase to ensure that the intent for Garfield Rd East was considered within the Orion concept design, resulting in RMS approval prior to lodging the Development Application. Similarly, the early assessment of risks associated with the relocation of the Endeavour HV transmission line meant that a clear strategy for its removal and relocation could be established and executed. The subsequent release of the easement did not result in any delays to the Subdivision Certificate process.
Orion undertook the access management, design, construction and restoration of the sewer lead-in infrastructure. Works were able to commence in advance of the subdivision works, thereby reducing the risk of multiple contractors and ensuring that there was no risk to the final approval from Sydney Water.
The ability to deliver a layout that met the developer’s feasibility targets, along with the implementation of a proactive planning approval strategy was fundamental success of this project.
Early identification of risks associated with authority approvals, ILP amendments and delivery of trunk utility infrastructure ensured that delivery risk was mitigated and impacts to the ultimate approval significantly were reduced.
The approach taken by Orion meant that Goldmate could be confident that this complex project was being properly administered and that the challenges encountered were being managed in a proactive manner.
Project Management, Engineering Design, Construction Management, Superintendent.
Bella Rise - Garfield Road, Riverstone
Our team effectively engaged in early discussion with the local council and RMS to ensure approval standards would be met prior to application for development, enabling the client to overcome present challenges and compile a proactive strategy for potential risk. This approach ensured Goldmate were confident in the complexity of this project being properly administered.