The NSW Government has now announced a new Rezoning Pathways Program. Under the program, the NSW Government will assess select State or regionally significant planning proposals, or lead the rezoning work from start to finish, with all land to be rezoned by 2024. The Department will identify sites for state-led rezoning and will pilot a process for industry to nominate rezoning proposals that could be state-assessed.
They are initiating 7 new land rezonings (State-led rezonings):
- Broadmeadow, Newcastle
- Camellia-Rosehill
- Explorer Street, Eveleigh
- Macquarie Park Stage 1
- Orchard Hills
- Parramatta North’s University and Northern sites
- Riverstone East Stage 3
This is in addition to the recently announced intervention to assess Planning Proposals (State-assessed rezonings) for:
- Appin (Walker)
- Gilead (Lendlease)
- North Appin (Ingham)
The ten projects above are expected to deliver 70,000 homes.
As part of the program, the NSW Government has also announced a pilot process for proponents proposing more than 1,000 homes in metropolitan areas or over 300 in regional areas that could be assessed by the NSW Government. Projects are to be assessed by “appropriately qualified staff and Senior Executives from the NSW Government”, an external probity advisor and may also include suitable independent industry professionals (by invitation) based on:
- how well the proposal demonstrates public benefits, including through housing supply, and alignment with state policies and land use strategies
- an assessment of the proposal’s contribution to affordable and social housing outcomes
- how well impediments to delivery are understood and whether there is a pathway to resolution
- if infrastructure is available, or if funding is committed to fund critical infrastructure
Applications for the pilot process are open until 22 January 2023. Outcomes from the selection process will be communicated directly to applicants in February 2023. Proponents will be required to formally lodge the planning proposal with the department within 2 months of being notified their project was approved to proceed as a state-assessed planning proposal.
As the pilot process is not open to existing rezonings already lodged, nor rezonings that have previously been refused, proponents will need to assemble a reliable consultant team who are able to pull out all stops to achieve the two month timeframe to prepare a Planning Proposal Application once approved as part of the pilot.
Should you wish to discuss a potential new rezoning project, please contact our office on (02) 8660 0035 or by emailing